Monday, February 19, 2024

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Badge Pick-Up and Networking Reception

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

7:00 AM

Badge Pick Up

7:00 AM - 7:45 AM

Networking Breakfast, Sponsored by

7:45 AM - 8:00 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


Dr. Sahar Yousef and Professor Lucas Miller

在过去的几年里,团队和组织的工作方式发生了巨大的变化. To combat feeling overcommitted, overworked, and overloaded, 我们需要一个新的剧本,使我们每个人都能充分利用我们面前的机会,用我们需要的知识武装自己,在时间和资源有限的情况下,我们既能更有战略地思考,又能完成更多的工作.

Join Berkeley neuroscientists Dr. 萨哈尔·尤瑟夫和卢卡斯·米勒教授为一个名为, 《安卓版下载》. In the session, 辅导员将回顾我们的大脑和身体如何最好地工作,并提供高效和科学证明的技术来完成我们最重要的工作, in less time, with less stress.

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Thinking Strategically about AI, Data, 《三亿体育app》

Joel Bruckenstein, CFP®

未来的领先公司将需要理解数据之间的相互关系, AI, and cybersecurity. 这节课将讨论这三个主题,并解释如何从战略上思考它们. 还将讨论公司内人工智能的当前和未来用例.

Learning Objectives:

  • 理解数据、人工智能和网络安全之间的相互关系
  • Learn how to create a tech strategy for the future
  • 了解当今正在利用人工智能的公司,以及您如何从他们的计划中受益

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Industry Leaders Panel

Moderator: Cheryl Holland, CFP®,CFBA, Abacus Planning Group创始人


Ben Harrison, Managing Director, BNY Mellon, Pershing

Richard Lofgren, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Brad Losson, Managing Director, Charles Schwab

Angie Popek, SVP, Regional Managing Director, Fidelity

Jason Wenk, Founder and CEO, Altruist


12:15 PM - 1:45 PM

Lunch and Networking, Sponsored by

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Akshay Dhawan

随着网络罪犯的持久性和复杂性呈指数增长, 网络风险和信息安全可能成为商业领袖的一场持久战. This session will explore key 2023 trends, what to expect during 2024, and best practices for strong cyber management.

Learning Objectives:

  • 了解影响金融服务公司的网络安全行业趋势
  • 讨论加强组织安全状态的实践
  • 理解为什么领导者在组织内培养网络安全意识文化至关重要

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Future of Talent

Kate Healy

旨在概述公司需要如何考虑下一代人才, 本课程将涵盖领导者在招聘方面需要了解的内容, retaining, 培养未来的人才,以确保未来的客户得到良好的服务. 涵盖的主题将包括下一代人才的特点, the importance of firm talent management, 创造文化来吸引和理解这些人才, 并衡量建立一个包容的公司是否成功,让未来的人才能够茁壮成长.

Learning Objectives

  • 了解人才管理在建设未来公司中的重要性
  • 学习人口统计和文化能力,了解未来人才的需求和激励因素
  • 确定建立下一代友好文化的成功衡量标准

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Optional Group Activity

Signup will be available in January.

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Reception and Dinner

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

7:15 AM - 8:00 AM

Networking Breakfast, Sponsored by

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

The Aftermath of Mergers and Acquisitions

Moderator: Tom Orecchio, CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, AIF®, Chief Executive Officer, Wealth Manager and Principal, Modera Wealth


Patrick Lawler注册会计师®️,注册会计师,Savant财富管理公司并购主管

Kristen Oziemkowski, The Mather Group首席运营官

Harli Palme,注册会计师®️,注册会计师,Modera Wealth首席运营官

This panel will discuss what happens after M&A. 我们将讨论与文化融合相关的挑战和成功, tech stacks and processes.

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

From The Trenches: Hiring and Developing Next-Gen Talent

Caleb Brown, MBA, CFP®

为你的公司招聘和雇佣可能是一个具有挑战性和耗时的过程, but it does not have to be! Caleb Brown, Co-Founder & CEO of New Planner Recruiting, 将分享他15年以上为全国各地的公司招聘财务规划人才的经验吗. 布朗还将分享COVID-19大流行和最近的熊市将如何影响未来几年的招聘.

与会者将获得布朗对理解下一代金融服务专业人士的见解, 制作一份独特的职位描述,这样你就会脱颖而出, where to source candidates to build a pipeline, 如何有效地筛选候选人以确保他们适合你的公司, compensation data and best practices, successfully integrating a new hire into your firm, strategies for retaining, and developing them into future partners.

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Forging a Team of Leaders

Carolynne Thomas

你如何确保你的公司文化在退休后依然强大, other leadership transitions, and changes in strategy? 通过建立一个原则,即每个人都是领导者,所有人都对公司的发展负责. In this session, learn how the best 随着时间的推移,领导者创造了追随者,塑造了他们的文化.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the ingredients of an Admired Leader
  • Determine how followers define leadership credibility
  • 了解在整个公司建立领导团队的行为

12:15 PM - 1:45 PM

Lunch and Networking

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Maintaining and Elevating Client Experience

Moderator: Lydia Sheckels, CFP®️, CLU, ChFC, Partner, CIO Emeritus and Senior Financial Advisor, Wescott Financial Advisory Group LLC


Mark Berg,注册会计师®️,Timothy Financial Counsel, Inc .创始负责人.

Samantha Macchia, CFP®️, ChFC, President & CEO, Summit Financial Strategies

Jamie Malone, CFA, CFP®️,CPA, Principal,财务策略师,Agili

该小组将讨论独特的客户体验产品, 对员工进行适当的培训,以获得一致的客户体验, and tips for increasing client satisfaction.

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Future Traps and Opportunities for Large Firms

Dennis Stearns, CFP®, ChFC, Founder, Stearns Financial Group

Leaders of private companies of all kinds, including RIAs, VUCA(波动率)的加速带来了前所未有的威胁和机遇, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) from all directions. 科技工业革命正在给社会带来巨大的变化和“变化焦虑”. RIA challenges include clients having more choices, being more prone to behavioral finance problems, 而NextGen的顾问往往很难与不属于他们“部落”的客户同步。. Future uncertainty, including consumer uncertainty about the future of 60/40, is both an opportunity and a threat to RIAs.

In this session, Stearns will share mental frameworks, strategies, 他自己的公司和他的大型RIA公司网络的策略, 包括如何适应最好的私营公司的新的“顾客之爱”和“员工之爱”技术.

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM

Closing Remarks

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Campfire Discussion with Cocktails and Appetizers

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Closing Dinner